Summer School Banner

Attendance Summer School is being offered at North Buncombe High School for students who currently have FFs in one or more classes. The dates are Monday through Thursday, June 17th-20th and June 24th-27th. Actual dates and times of sessions will vary, depending on the number of FFs a student needs to make up.

Students must attend two full days (8:30am-3:00pm) or four half days (8:00am-11:15am or 11:45am-3:00pm) to earn credit for one class. Students can make up a maximum of four FFs. Students staying for the full day must bring their own lunch.

Cost for attendance summer school is as follows:

Number of Classes


1 class


2 classes


3 classes


4 classes


For additional information and to sign up, complete the Attendance Summer School Google Form. If a student is not sure what course(s) they may need to sign up for, please see their guidance counselor. For any questions, please stop by or call the Counseling Office at (828) 645-4332.

Scan the QR code
to sign up.
QR Code for Google Form Signup